Foundation: is designed to little ballers who are handling the ball for the very first time. Focusing on having fun, enjoying little ball tactics, games and passing. The objective of this stage is to simply love the game of basketball.
Level 1: is designed as an introduction to the sport of basketball. Geared towards first time players, we will introduce the basic lines on the court as well as basic basketball rules such as traveling, double dribble, and fouls. The curriculum will focus on stationary ball handling (learning to get comfortable with the ball), dribbling, passing and catching techniques, jump stops and pivots, and basic defensive stance. Games such as dribble tag, dribble relays, and the passing game will be played to make the class fun and to build towards playing in a real game situation.
Level 2: is designed for players to help them start to learn proper shooting mechanics using both hands and both directions. Kids in this level should already have the ability to shoot a dominant hand layup on a 10' hoop with proper footwork. They need to be able to shoot at a 10' hoop since all baskets are up at 10' for this level. We encourage them to be shooting with the right hand on the right side and the left hand on the left side of the basket. Terminology such as weak side/strong side, traps, and crossovers will be used. The curriculum will focus on stationary in place dribbling skills, advanced change of direction and combination dribble moves, weak handed one foot lay-ups, jab step and swing through moves, passing on the move, zig-zag defensive slides, and shooting on the move.
Level 3: designed for players preparing to enter junior high basketball. All kids in this level should be able to demonstrate proper footwork shooting both right and left hand layups using their proper hand to shoot. They should have no problem doing the Drills using both hands. The terminology will focus on strategic concepts such as curls, flares, help side defense, dig outs, and entry passes. The curriculum will focus on advanced in place dribbling skills with both hands, dribble moves to score on both sides of the court, reading screens, post moves, rebounding, getting open on the wing, wing denial, conditioning, and advanced offensive and defensive footwork. Controlled scrimmaging will be used to display skills in a real game environment.
- All levels shall receive a professional fitness training to accompany their basketball training to ensure the appropriate development of their physical capabilities to support their basketball skills.
Our Coaches:
We are committed to the principles of Positive Coaching. Our coaches and assistant coaches are “Double-Goal Coaches” who want to win and help players learn “life lessons” and positive character traits from sports.
Our coaches shall model and teach our players to Honor the Game. Focusing on the elements of:
Respect for: Rules,
Teammates, and one’s
At the end of each season we will survey our players and their parents to give our coaches feedback on how they did at implementing these Positive Coaching principles during the season
Our Venues:

All training sessions shall take place at Compass international school- Madinat Khalifa, Al Baihaqi St - Wasit St Junction, Madinat Khalifa North 32, Doha, Qatar. And Al-Gharrafa branch.
Compass International School is one of Fame’s partners and they are considered one of the corner stones for the success of our vision and programs.